Correction: It was not Thor Han who advised Eisenhower, but Valiant Thor from Venus who is featured in Elena's 2nd book, "We will Never Let You Down." It was with Val Thor that Eisenhower created secret forces to counter the C^A and nefarious DeepS*ate who killed Kennedy.

This is excellent work Duke. Thorough and fascinating. Thank you for setting out the facts.

There has been so much confusion and disagreement about Corey. I have had experiences that got me interested in his reports hoping to see some truth arise. I followed all Corey's shows and conferences til 2017 and then found out he was smoking weed daily; weed comes with entities and nothing good! (no pun there). His face got darker after he moved to Colorado, and that was another bad sign. I have no doubt he had had some of these experiences, but how he has turned it into a legal farce shows there have been clear distortions from negative influences. He has been turned.

I and others struggled to find something inspiring in his testimony, but had to conclude, he was not born for the role of a leader; he does not have the spiritual integrity and power to fulfil the role he claims. So many of us tried to align with his goals, to hope for the best, only to be disturbed to see his spiteful legal entanglements, how he did not pay people for their work, and how he attacked people like Clif High for something farcical like "Blue chicken cult." He has buried his own integrity in all this; he did it to himself. No one else is to blame.

Finally his attacks on Elena Danaan, Michael Salla, Wm. Tompkins, the GFW and others just dig him deeper into the trash heap of 5-Minute fame. It is sad. But it had a purpose imho.

What he has done with David Wilcock, to give him credit, is to set this exploration of our galactic role front and center into the UFO arena where it now commands increasing attention. Many people can now speak about seeing the ships in the sky and can testify to their own visitors, without being called a "crack pot." The previous efforts to do that with Mufon etc. and even Steven Greer were pathetically and systematically undermined by the dark agenda.

This is Corey's legacy; he did break the invisible glass ceiling of talk about space travel, off-planet beings who are hominid like us, travel interdimensionally, and have love for us. He paved the way for the Galactic Federation of Worlds to now be something we can embrace. He paved the way for Elena's book "The Seeders" to be on the NY Best Sellers list. This is huge for those of us waiting for decades to see some kind of disclosure.

Furthermore, there are now good reports from the Earth Guardian, Kim Goguen,(UN.tv) and many others not afraid to speak about their ET connections, that Elena's reports are true. The darkest ones have left. Whether that is because of our rising frequencies, time lines, the Photon Belt or because they have admitted defeat--it is not clear. Corey's version of things is not supported on this same time line or frequency. It makes one wonder about "20 and back" messing not just with the eyes, but also with the mind. Look at Elena's face and then at Corey's. Who do you believe?

I wish him luck and a good life, and especially that he can find a true spiritual path of goodness, love and truth.

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Be Ware of ATTORNEYS from within the Ufology and Esoteric Community. If you are approached by someone claiming to be an attorney who wants to assist you in your work you should make sure to check out their credentials and background.

Over the last few years, we have had a number of unethical run-ins with attorneys and people claiming to be attorneys who claimed to be fighting for Disclosure in their spare time.

It started off with Liz Lorrie who approached us and offered free legal work. After a short period of time, she then wanted to be a partner with us in business - which has to be handled in a certain way to avoid being sanctioned by the bar association. After creating verbose contracts for everyone coming close to me she waited until the last week to present my contract to her. She decided that the 30% we had agreed on was not enough and now demanded 45%. Again, creating ethical issues with the bar association.

We had to hire an attorney that specializes in legal ethics violations to pursue a complaint with the offending attorney's bar association.

A few months later we were contacted by John Desouza - a well-known former FBI employee who speaks on the Ufo Conference circuit quite a bit. He introduced himself as the counsel for my former partners who had recently extorted David Wilcock and me for ownership of our documentaries. He assisted our former partners in pushing their threats under the guise of legal negotiations.

We responded by filing a lawsuit in federal court with Mr. Desouza quickly withdrawing as their attorney. As we began to have investigators look into all of this we quickly found out that Mr. Desouza is not a licensed and practicing attorney even though he represented himself as one.

Most recently, we had a fairly well-known attorney in the Ufology field - who assists researchers with freedom of information act requests and legal advice - wrote an article with their legal insight and position on my lawsuits and claims of ownership of my life story - aka my Intellectual Property.

Duke Brickhouse aka John Milton Brickhouse aka Duke Johns wrote an article on my claims of legally owning my testimony and its details. The structure and grammar of the article caused several people to question if it was written by an attorney. After a bit of digging - once again - we were unable to locate Duke as being a registered and practicing attorney.

There are a few other attorneys making the rounds within this community that have similar red flags around the way they operate. If you are approached by someone claiming to be an attorney make sure you do your due diligence and make sure they are licensed and competent.

You need to make sure the person claiming to be an attorney is not Practicing UPL (unauthorized practice of law) as attorney-client privilege does not cover your communications with them and puts you further into legal jeopardy.

Corey Goode

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A lot of people in the community are starting to obtain CRs and TMs to protect their work. They have seen how bad content theft and plagiarism have become in this community. The entertainment industry has been mining this community for ideas for decades making billions of dollars off of our experiences and creations with no credit given.

For those of you who have been asking my advice on the matter: If you are a content creator there is nothing more important than protecting your Intellectual Property.

When securing your Intellectual Property through Patents, Copyrights, or Trademarks - make sure you work with an attorney that specializes in IP Law. Most attorneys are ignorant of the nuances of IP law and what they don't know can cost you heavily in the long run.

What do you call a person who had the lowest possible passing score on their bar exam? Answer: Attorney.

There are thousands of attorneys out there who know nothing about IP law but are happy to take your money. Your average attorney is completely ignorant of IP law though they may refuse to admit it.

Taking advice on IP law from an attorney who doesn't specialize in IP law could lead you to the exact type of legal problems you were trying to avoid.

In most cases, information about IP Law coming from a general attorney is not only UNRELIABLE but dangerous since the client is trusting the attorney-client relationship and doesn't realize their attorney is out of their element.

Protect your work but don't shoot yourself in the foot by not hiring the right legal team.

I encourage everyone to keep creating original content and sharing their experiences... but make sure you are not breaking Patent, CR, or TM laws by taking bad legal advice and make sure to protect your own work from the unscrupulous and opportunistic part of this community and the entertainment industry that data mines us for ideas.

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John Milton Brickhouse (a.k.a Duke Brickhouse)

Bar ID: 28741

Status: In Good Standing

Class: Associate

Norfolk, Virginia

Source: Virginia State Bar (VSB)


Advisory Board – Board of Directors, Exopolitics Institute

Chief Editor, ExoNews.org

Source: https://exopoliticsinstitute.org/about-exopolitics-institute/board/

"After a bit of digging—once again—we were unable to locate Duke as being a registered and practicing attorney." – Corey Goode

With respect to structure, Corey, a hyphen is not a proper substitute for an em dash when there are keyboard shortcuts for the latter. In terms of "digging," the status of Mr. Brickhouse was rather easy to find.

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What is your evidence that Corey claimed to have trademarked the terms that you admit are not even in the trademark database?

I don't have any issue with people having different belief systems, and I appreciate your attempts to highlight issues you perceive in a carefully written format but feel that to contribute to the healing of the community divide significantly it would be extremely helpful for you to add more citations so that people don't have to second guess your accuracy on so many claims.

Are you unable to believe that even a single phrase, like Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, could have been created by Corey as a fictional name and then used by others as though it was the real name they remembered? Is there ever a line that someone can cross to throw any kind of red flag like that?

Do corroborations and contradictions from the Ra Contact (Law of One books) matter at all to you? Was the Ra material ever so ludicrous? Is their concept of the mixed positive/negative harvest [65.15] and descriptions of the Orion Group having a meaningful role [16.2] so ludicrous? When they say that the Orion group has tricked us into becoming "enslaved by [our] own free will" [11.18] and that "the condition of well-meant and unintentional slavery [is] so numerous that it beggars our ability to enumerate them" [83.12] do you feel we are freed from any of that slavery they say existed back when this was channeled in 1982? [Text at https://lawof.one/]

I still believe Corey when he says he hasn't read those books past the first 25 sessions, but still find it baffling why so few others care to read them. I have found that they at least provide some kind of baseline for evaluation of what makes sense and what sounds ludicrous, to me at least.

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Oh, you may find the following is "of interest" as it details his attempt at trademarking some of the terms mentioned above in this article eh ?

1. SSP

2. Sphere Being Alliance

3. Full Disclosure Project

4. SBA

5. 20 & Back

6. Return of the Guardians

7. Blue Avians

From : https://thereuleaux.wordpress.com/2018/11/08/status-ssp-trademark-express-abandonment/

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I was who came up with Nacht Waffen as the name the Germans use for their military fleets. Announced it in an interview where we Creative Commons copyrighted it to prevent Corey from stealing it.

Also, I have been public as long as any of the others he attacks, and I am "The Dark Fleet Discloser Ruining Disclosure" per Corey. Sorry you don't know about me, but Corey did an email campaign to have me blackballed because I served with Nacht Waffen instead of an American group.


Thanks for hearing me out.

Penny Bradley, Nacht Waffen Pilot

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I am NOT blasting anyone for using it. That was the whole point of Creative Commons--share and share alike.

It just bothers me that no one credits me.

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So glad you got on this list. I find your reports very interesting.

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Thank you.

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Is this man a mental case, a grown man suffering from only child syndrome, a voice willing to say and do anything to make money, or all the above? Not only is his claims of contact full of contradictions but he’s also making his so called space visitors friends appear as liars and as ignorant as him. His story isn’t true anyway because if he was contacted by these beings, he described them as so far advanced w methods of instant healing w energy devices and etc…Also, if we did pretend for a moment they are real events that took place w him and these entities. Why would they contact him to share his story and create a brand of consumer goods? However, at the same time he is full of greed and selfish to steal a term of the disclosure community and claim it as his own!! I thought these so called beings want to assist in helping humanity overcome ego issues and all the same character defects that are wreaking havoc in Corey’s mind, body, and spirit!! Either way he is letting humanity know he’s

A) full of it

B) if not full of it, he’s showing the entities cannot be trusted or looked upon as good for humanity.

C) They apparently do a good job when healing him. (His sanity is unstable more and more everyday)


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Dude, this page was created with the sole purpose of tearing someone down... ? No offense but the meme tells all about the substance of the (only) article here - it's immature, one-sided, passive-aggressive. It took a lot of efforts to lay such a pamphlet - sounds more like character assassination.

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I would have actually believed this if the article didnt start stating opinions as facts. Now, I think the entire article is bullshit and no longer trust who its trying to support.

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